Orange Drop Capacitors

The (un)Famous Orange Drop Capacitors

The original manufacturer of Orange Drop capacitors, Sprague Electric Company, ceased operations in the early 2000s. This closure created a significant void in the market, given the component’s popularity and perceived superiority. As demand persisted, a problematic trend emerged: the proliferation of counterfeit Orange Drop capacitors, primarily originating from manufacturers in Asia.

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Guitar Amp Speakers

The Science of Guitar Amp Speakers

The guitar amp speaker is a crucial component in the signal chain of electric guitar amplification, serving as the final link between the electrical signal and the audible sound waves that reach our ears.

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Balanced and Unbalanced Audio Interfaces

Balanced and Unbalanced Audio Interfaces

Understanding the differences between balanced and unbalanced interfaces, and best practices for interconnecting balanced and unbalanced equipment, is important for achieving optimal audio performance and minimizing noise issues.

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